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Brand Evolution

Emerson Ecologics

Brand Book


During my 5 years at Emerson Ecologics, I oversaw the integration of six different logo variations and several brand refreshes. During this time, I adopted this shareable format to keep track of imminent changes and provide a current up-to-date brand book for both internal and external clients. The next iteration of this guide was to include digital properties and assets, but this exercise did not occur. 

2021 Emerson Ecologics Brand Book.jpg

Laboratory Diagnostic Campaign Branding


Several large technology integrations occurred during my time at Emerson Ecologics. One of the largest instances of this was a laboratory diagnostic white label integration. Due to the industry-level significance of this project, we developed a dedicated look and feel for the campaign. This project would need to be worked on with both internal and external partners so this document served as a space to document the visual evolution of the project. 

Labs Creative Look & Feel_Page_1.jpg

Dermatology Market Sub-Branding


Due to the diversity of Emerson Ecologics’ customer base, many of our projects required segmentation to speak to each audience directly. The most significant example of this is in the emerging market efforts for targeting dermatologists and estheticians. The initial launch of this project was done internally, with this document serving as the visual guide for executive buy-in.

2021 Dermatologist Look and Feel.jpg

Logo Sub-Brand Exploration


With the expanding business, we explored several ideas for how to integrate sub-branding into the Emerson portfolio. The idea of creating a sub-brand for our wholesale network was considered for several months and we considered what this would look like visually. This is the logo that was landed on for this sub-branding exercise.

2021 Emerson Wholesale Exploration.jpg

Patient Persona Exercise


Emerson Ecologics’ unique business model often left us in a complex marketing structure of B to B to C where for many years, we did not address our customer’s patients directly. After considering how we would address this customer group, we took a high level approach to how we would express ourselves to them as a brand.

2021 Healthy Living Patient Look and Feel.jpg

Core Brand Material Refresh


As logo variations were adopted, we had to work constantly to update our core marketing materials and digital properties. 

2021 Brand Materials Refresh.jpg

 © 2024 Brooke LeBeau

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